Hunter Street S02E18: "Spy"
• Dora the Explorer:
◦ 1:28 AM - "Grandma's House"
◦ 1:52 AM - "Beaches"
◦ 2:15 AM - "The Super Silly Fiesta"
• Dora the Explorer:
◦ 5:56 AM - "Boots to the Rescue"
◦ 6:24 AM - "The Mixed-Up Seasons"
◦ 6:52 AM - "Dora's Pegaso Adventure"
• 8:44 AM - Little Bear: "Little Bear's Tooth / Little Red Riding Hood / Little Bear and the Cupcakes" (Season 2 Episode 4)
Description: Loose tooth. / Fairy tales. / Cupcakes.