Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Nick Jr. Channel Schedule (5/13/2020)

How It's Made: "Secrets of the Snowkiller" (7:00 PM; with limited commercial interruptions) (Brooks Moore) (MMXX (2020)) (URL)
(Segments: "Tapioca Pudding", "Snow Plows", "Paddle Boats", "Fiber Cement Siding", "Office Chairs", "Vinobrew", "Reconditioned Sander Drums", "Lithographs")
Building Giants: "L.A. Mega Rail" (8:00 PM)
Sea Monsters: "U.S. Navy Super Fleet" (9:00 PM)

Ghost Nation: Behind the Investigation S1E6: "The House at Deadman's Curve" (7:00 PM)
Ghost Nation S2E5: "Afterlife Sentence" (8:00 PM)
Destination Fear S2E3: "Old Montana Prison" (9:00 PM)