Sunday, March 15, 2020

Nick Jr. Channel Schedule (3/15/2020)

Rob Riggle: Global Investigator S1E2: "The Holiest of Grails" (9:00 PM)

How It's Made:
"Mighty Tow Truck" (11:00 AM) (PG) (Brooks Moore) (MMXV (2015)) (URL)
(Segments: "Fishing Line", "Industrial Mixers", "Natural Baking Soda", "Tow Trucks")
"Mega Motorcycle" (11:30 AM) (PG) (Brooks Moore) (Canada/Québec) (URL)
(Segments: "Motorcycles", "Clay Pipes", "Drum Sticks", "Whistles")
Mysteries of the Abandoned: "Curse of the Coal Mine" (7:00 PM)
Titanic: Conspiracy of Failure (Science Originals) (7:30 PM)
Curse of the Bermuda Triangle S1E6: "Ghost Ship Terror" (9:00 PM)

Expedition Bigfoot: Back to the Woods S1E1: "The Search Begins" (9:00 PM)