Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Nick Jr. Channel Schedule (10/8/2019)

How It's Made: "World's Toughest Rope" (MMXVI (2016)) (7:00 PM)
(Segments: "Chemical Tank Pressure Vents", "Candy Wafers", "Food Trucks", "Traditional Ropes", "Mosquito Coils", "Solar-Assist Tricycles", "Palm Oil", "Fiberglass Chopper Guns")
BattleBots: Supersized Edition: "Reign of Terror" (2 hour special) (8:00 PM)

Most Terrifying Places in America: "Haunted Pharmacy and The Lady in Blue" (2 hour special) (7:00 PM)
Most Terrifying Places: "Death Car" (9:00 PM)