Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Nick Jr. Channel Schedule (8/6/2019)

How It's Made: "World's Best Ice Cream" (hour long compilation) (Brooks Moore) (MMXVII (2017)) (8:00 PM)
(Segments: "Wall Beds", "Sundae Cups", "Digital Paintings", "Badminton Rackets", "Wood Watches", "Steel Bicycles", "Raw Pet Food", "Replica Police Lanterns")
Built by Hand S1E5/6: "Confessions of the Bowie Knife" (9:00 PM)

Expedition Unknown: "America's Lost History" (2 hour special) (7:00 PM)
Code of the Wild S1E1: "The Curse of El Dorado" (Series Premiere) (9:00 PM)