Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Nick Jr. Channel Schedule (7/30/2019)

Discovery Shark Week 2019 - Day 3
Sharkwrecked: Crash Landing (7:00 PM)
Laws of Jaws: Dangerous Waters (8:00 PM)
Air Jaws Strikes Back (9:00 PM)
Shark After Dark S1E3: "It's Raining Sharks" (LIVE) (10:00 PM)

How It's Made: "World's Toughest Scooter" (hour long compilation) (8:00 PM)
(Segments: "Rubber Balls", "Motion Chairs", "Montreal Smoked Meat", "Motorized Scooters", "Aerospace Fasteners", "Cactus Pear Puree", "Lab Reactors")
Built by Hand S1E3/4: "Secrets of the Samurai Sword" (9:00 PM)

Expedition Unknown: "Japanese Secret Treasures" (2 hour special) (7:00 PM)
America Unearthed: "Exodus of the Templars" (9:00 PM)