Sunday, June 9, 2019

Nick Jr. Channel Schedule (6/9/2019)

Bermuda Triangle: The New Secrets: "Aliens of the Abyss" (at 7:00 PM)
Legends of the Deep S1E1: "Bermuda Triangle: The Secret Shipwreck" (Series Premiere) (8:00 PM)
Truth Behind the Moon Landing S1E2: "Fire in the Cockpit" (9:00 PM)

Paranormal Caught on Camera S1E17: "Demonic Doll and More" (7:00 PM)
Ripley's Believe It or Not! (2019) S1E1: "Natural Born Thrillers" (8:00 PM)
Legendary Locations: "Truth or Consequences" (9:00 PM)