Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Nick Jr. Channel Schedule (1/30/2019)

How It's Made: "The Bike That Flies" (MMXVII (2017))
(Episodes: "Wood Watches", "Steel Bicycles", "Raw Pet Food", "Replica Police Lanterns", "Flying Water Bikes", "Throttle Position Sensors", "Cinnamon Cordial", "Handmade Rasps")
MythBusters Jr. S1E6/7: "Shredder Explosion"
Outrageous Acts of Science: "Unusual Suspects" (with credit music)

Mysteries at the Museum:
"Dark Lighthouse, Possesed by Murder and Loveland Frogman" (Jan 30, 2019)
"Buried Alive in Pompeii" (Jan 31, 2019)
Beyond the Unknown S1E5: "Alien Attack, Legend of the Bell Witch and Killer's Curse"

• Dora the Explorer:
◦ 7:00 AM -
◦ 7:30 AM -