Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Nick Jr. Schedule (4/25/2018)

Talking Tom and Friends Minis
Season 3 Episode 4: Lost in the Forest

• Dora the Explorer:
◦ 1:28 AM - "Dora, La Mũsico"
◦ 1:52 AM - "Lost Map"
◦ 2:15 AM - "The Big Potato"
• Dora the Explorer:
◦ 5:56 AM - "The Grumpy Old Troll Gets Married"
◦ 6:24 AM - "The Mayan Adventure"
• 8:44 AM - Little Bear: "The Red Thread / Princess Duck / Little Bear Meets Duck"
• Cleo & Cuquin:
◦ 1:30 PM - "The Vegetable Mystery" (Season 2 Episode 4) (NEW)
◦ 1:40 PM - "The Race" (Season 2 Episode 5) (NEW)
• 4:00 PM - ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks: "The Gift / Theo Knows Best" (Season 3 Episode 7)