Thursday, June 29, 2017

Nick Jr. Schedule (6/29/2017)

Talking Tom and Friends S3E2: "Just Friends" (Outfit7, arx anima, The Monk Studios) (MMXVII)
Description: With the carnival in town, Talking Tom and Talking Angela decide to put their plan to the test. Can they really just be friends?!

How It's Made: Top 5 American Made: "Episode 2"
How It's Made S14E25: "Nuno Felt / Drum Crushers / Kimchi / Traditional Parquet Floors" (Brooks Moore) (2016)
Description: Find out how nuno felt, drum crushers, kimchi, and traditional parquet floors are made.

• 8:20 AM - Little Bear: "Little Bear's Tooth / Little Red Riding Hood / Little Bear and the Cupcakes"